Thursday, November 16, 2006


Changes can be small or earth shattering! Well, it depends on you really...

Good News? Bad News?

Depending on you...

I need to inform the studio that I will not be the studio master for third year next semester. I am moving elsewhere. I mean, I am still in the department, so you all can consult me on things if you want.

The other news is (good news or bad news?) you will be developing your existing project and finish it in 9 weeks (excluding submission week) and there will be a 3 week 'group project'. That has been decided by the department.

I would like to say sorry for this inconvenience if you had already done some work on "CDP2", meaning the performing arts and heritage food studies and so on. Please forgive us all for this change if it had been a bother but please also note that we think you will benefit from this change as well.

All the best for the exam and have a good holiday.


Anonymous said...

mmm...i prefer it to be like what we've done before...i mean the performing art & heritage food centre is an interesting and well-defined projects and it is more suit with the site surrounding...and i dont agree wif the size of the site...either it is small or big site..who cares..??actually it depends how you deal with is not a big problem...hmmm....i think it will be more interesting if u change it...u make a new projects...c'mon..we're a students...and we're not workin...u need the you generate u transform it onto the's more important...the technical part will come slowly afterwards...idea first...that is a quality of an architectural student that we want...i dont say that the technical part is boring...but it seems that u need to sit and focus to all the technical part of ur design in the whole semester.....and in the will come like..what..working bored....but...maybe there's a pro and contra by doing like this...maybe....

Anonymous said...

miss naziaty, knowing that you are not our studio master anymore, we all feel very desperate.Because we lost a lecturer who willy to sacrifice her time and effort onto the students. Maybe we will not understand the reasons why suddenly miss naziaty quit from our studio. But we al hope that the changes in studio projects which have been decided under the department is not the main reasons that have influence u to make such decision. Not matter what, juz want to say that, you are a great lecturer, we hope that we dun lost you in our second semester, coz we stil need u to lead us and help us. thanks!!

Naziaty said...

Mior and Anonymous,I appreciate both your thoughts.

To Anonymous: There is no intrigue to my decision to serve 4th year studio. I look forward to this new experience and facilitating the low-medium cost housing project. For the 3rd year, Puan Aniza will coordinate the second semester that demands a more exacting programme, which I could do as well, but because of the 4th year studio situation (Mr. Bonn left etc), I could fill in that role. It's like in a football team. I can play offence and defence. I can play in different positions. It's a different challenge, which is nice. If there are any problems, you guys can see me.

Mior: I agree that it would be better to do a fresh project and I have said it in the Portfolio Review that SIZE DON'T MATTER...but what to do! Okay, okay... 3rd year students still need lots of guidance about developing their brief, but its quite unbelievable that many are poor in site-planning and contextual studies...Hypothetically, those who scored 'A' in Site 1 would have also scored 'A' if they did Site 2. The quality is in the student, not the site. (This is my honest opinion.)

Please concentrate in finishing the project to what is needed and getting forward with your life, ie work, pratical experience and 4th year or overseas training...go forward, not backwards! All the best!